Sunshine on a plate…layered mango and orange cake

Did you ever wake up in time to see the sun rise?..

Darkness retreats..the sun starts to rise above the horizon. The first rays of  light (that seems to be spun of pure gold) paint everything with an amazing hue,a blend of red, orange and yellow. As if they are giving the world the kiss of life to awaken it from the darkness brought on by the night…

It is truly amazing to see those first rays of light, life and hope wash over everything….defeating the shadows and chasing away nightmares.Then for a few, a precious few minutes, the world around you looks fresh and pure.. and everything seems possible..

If you have never seen the magic of morning in the making, or it has been a long time since you did. Take my advice and take a few minutes to do so.. It might just wash something inside it did to me this morning..


My recipe today carries some of those magical sun rays on a plate..

It is one of my go to recipes when I have guests and it has never failed to impress and please any one who tries it.. The colors are refreshing…it is so creamy that it will melt in your mouth..and the flavors…let me just say…heavenly


Layered cake with mango and orange

  • First layer

1 1/2 bags of lady fingers biscuits or you can replace that with a layer of cake.

Milk to dunk the biscuit in

  • Second layer

1 can of thick cream (170 g or 6 ounces)

2 sachet dream whip or any powdered whipping cream

1 1/2 cups mango juice

1 packet orange flavored  jello dissolved in 3/4 cup hot water

2-3 cubes (each cube is 20 g) cream cheese (like kiri cheese)

  • Third layer

1 packet orange or mango flavored jello dissolved in 3/4 cup hot water

1 cup mango juice

Dunk the biscuits in the milk and arrange them in two layers in a springform pan in.(i usually wrap the pan with cling film first to avoid any leakage).If you don’t have a springform pan (I didn’t till about a year ago) use a glass serving dish so that the beautiful layers show through.

Dissolve the jello in the hot water and let it cool down a bet while you mix the ingredients of the second layer.

Add the dissolved jello and mix

Pour the mixture on to the biscuits.

Place in the refrigerator untill it firms up (this takes a couple of hours)

Mix the ingredients of the thirds layer and pour them carefully on top of the second layer.

Put it back in the refrigerator till it firms  up

You can serve this as such with no decorations or decorate it with anything you like…for example whipped cream, sliced fruit, candied fruit. It is completely up to you

mango and orange lady finger dessert.jpg

حلى الليدي فنجر بالبرتقال و المانجا


باكيت و نصف اصابع بسكوت ليدي فنجر

حليب لتغميس البسكوت

اذا لم يتوفر البسكوت او اذا رغبتي بامكانك استبدال هذه الطبقه بطبقه من اي كيكه معتمده لديكي

الطبقه الاولى
علبه قشطه
2 ظرف دريم ويب
كوب و نصف عصير مانجا
ظرف جلي برتقال مذاب في ثلاث ارباع كوب ماء ساخن
2-3 مربعات كيري

الطبقه الثانيه

ثلاث ارباع كوب ماء ساخن مذاب فيه ظرف جلي برتقال او منجا

كوب عصير منجا


غمسي البسكوت  سريعا في الحليب و رتبيه على طبقتين في قاع الصينيه
اخلطي مقادير الطبقه الاولى و صبيها على البسكوت و ضعيها في الثلاجه حتى تتماسك

اخلطي مقادير الطبقه الثانيه و صبيها على الاولى بحذر حتى لا تختلط الطبقات
اعيديها للثلاجه حتى تتجمد

بامكانك تقديمها كما هي فالوان الطبقات جميله و ملفته دون تزيين او بامكانك تزينها بالكريما او الفواكه المجففه او الفواكه الطازجه
orange and mango lady finger dessert the ultimate summer treat