Roasted peaches

I’m glad to introduce you to Jamie. She is one of the super kind bloggers who offered to write a guest post when I requisted their help.Jamie has an amazing sense of humor and a wonderful blog called a dash of domestic. Go over and pay her a visit, you will be glad you did.

Hello! I’m so happy to be able to guest post for Sawsan today! Let me tell you a little about myself before we begin.
My name is JamieAnne. I live in the United States, Texas to be more specific. Texas is a large and right now very HOT state. I am married, I have two children. I am a homemaker.
I write a blog called A Dash of Domestic. I do NOT make everything from scratch. 🙂
I hope you enjoy this post about a simple to make, and not entirely homemade dessert.
Roasted peaches and ice cream
Before you get all excited about homemade ice cream….don’t. I don’t make ice cream. I’d like to, but I’ve never owned an ice cream maker.
I’ve got these peaches. Those right there in the picture below. They have been eyeballing me for a few days.

Since I already had the oven on (I’d been roasting carrots, onions and beets) I decided to roast these peaches. Roasted peaches can’t eye-ball me. Ha!
I washed them. Cut them in half, removed their pits, and placed them face down on a roasting rack (with fancy foil that’s been sprayed with baking spray).

They’re white peaches, did I forget to mention that?

I sprinkled some sugar on them. Why? I don’t know why. It just seemed like a good idea.
I baked them at 350 deg. F for about 30 min.
The bottoms (the fleshy part) was lovely and caramelized.
This is what they look like after being baked and cooled. I made desert before I remembered to take a picture.

I served them with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream and some of my apricot-orange marmalade syrup.
I should have pealed the skins off before I served them. I forgot to do that. We were so ready to eat this.
The skins are easy to peel off. They literally slip off the peaches.
This is a wonderfully sweet treat.