Couscous dessert

Moroccan Couscous dessert

A few weeks ago I shared my way of making maftoul (Palestinian couscous) from scratch and I promised you some new and creative recipes to use maftoul. I have already shared my Mediterranean couscous salad that I usually make with maftoul

Couscous salad with Mediterranean flavors

and today I am sharing a couscous dessert that you can make with maftoul or couscous or even left over couscous. This recipe is inspired by a Moroccan dessert called suffa which uses vermicelli or couscous and infuses it with milk and orange blossom water then it is decorated with nuts, dried fruits or ground sugar and spices.

This couscous dessert recipe is really easy to make and you can play with the flavors and the decoration. Try infusing it with fruit juice and then serve it cold,decorated with fruit slices dusted with a little  icing sugar for a refreshing summer dessert.

In winter time try it infused with milk and spices (add cinnamon and cardamom to the milk when you boil it). Serve it warm decorated with nuts and cinnamon sugar .

The possibilities are really endless

Couscous dessert

Couscous dessert

2 cups Palestinian couscous (maftoul) or regular couscous

2/3 cup milk, fruit juice or any liquid you would like to infuse the couscous with

1/4 cup sugar (increase the amount if you like it sweeter)

1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

1 tablespoon orange blossom water (optional)

1 cup chopped walnuts

1/2 cup pistachios

1/2 cup almonds

Dried fruit for decoration (optional)

Icing sugar for serving


Bring the milk or your fluid of choice to a boil, add the sugar, cinnamon and orange blossom water then add the couscous.

Cook over low heat while stirring  for 2-3 minutes.

Turn off the heat, cover and set aside for 30 minutes.

Fluff the couscous with a fork

Drain the couscous if there is any fluid left

Add the nuts reserving some for decoration

Arrange the couscous in a neat mound in your serving plate

Decorate it with nuts and dried fruits.

You can dust with icing sugar if you would like it to be a touch sweeter but do that immediately before serving.


كوبين من المفتول الذي سبق تبخيره او الكسكس

ثلثين كوب حليب او عصير فواكه

ربع كوب سكر

ملعقه صغيره قرفه

ملعقه كبيره ماء زهر

كوب جوز

نصف كوب فستق

نصف كوب لوز

فواكه مجففه للتزيين

سكر مطحون

 ضعي الحليب على النار حتى يصل للغليان

 اضيفي له السكر و ماء الزهر و القرفه و المفتول او الكسكس و اطبخيه على نار هادئه لمده 3 دقائق

غطي الطنجره و اطفئي النار و اتركيها مده 30 دقيقه لتتفتح حبات المفتول

بعد نهايه ال 30 دقيقه استخدمي شوكه لتحريك المفتول و صفيه اذا بقيت اي سوائل لم يمتصها المفتول

اضيفي المكسرات و اخلطي

رتبي المفتول على شكل جبل في صحن التقديم و زينيه  بالمكسرات و الفواكه

رشي السكر الناعم قبل التقديم مباشره لو احببتي ان يكون اكثر حلاوه


بامكانك عمل نفس الوصفه بان تطبخي المفتول في عصير الفواكه بدل الحليب ثم دعيه يبرد و قدميه مزين بالفواكه الطازجه و السكر الناعم