Chicken shish tawook with mexican rice

Did I tell you I LOVE& HATE chicken! Give me plain chicken with nothing but salt and pepper and I’m the first one to walk out the door. Chicken in my book needs to be full of flavor. Add spices, herbs, different marinades and tadaaaaaaaa good old boring chicken becomes interesting and down right yummy.That’s why you’ll see lots of chicken recipes here because I’m always trying out  things to put a new spin on chicken. If you’re anything like me, stick around and I promise you wont be disappointed. 

This shish tawook recipe is the result of countless trials and errors to get to a taste that rivals the best middle eastern restaurant.If you like mediterranean food,or simply like to try out chicken recipes that are loaded with flavor… you’ll LOVE this recipe 

You can do the chicken in cubes,marinate and then skewer them and grill them in the oven or on a grill(that is the traditional way to do it).

 I sometimes (like today) cut them into strips, marinate them and put them in a pan on the stove top and serve with this amazing mexican rice. The recipe for the rice comes from my friend Rafiqa, and it has become a staple in my menu after trying it for the first time.The pepper, tomatoes and spices give it a unique delicious taste while the turmeric gives it a beautiful yellow color  dotted with red tomatoes and green pepper…need I say more??? 

Shish tawook chicken

skin-less  boneless chicken cut into cubes or strips

1 tablespoon tomato paste

2 tablespoons ketchup

2 cloves of garlic minced

3/4 tablespoon mustard

1 tablespoon soya sauce

1 tablespoon dried oregano

2 tablespoon olive oil

2 tablespoons yogurt

1 teaspoon paprika



Mix the marinade and add the chicken. Make sure you coat all the pieces. Marinate over night  (If you don’t have time anything over half an hour is fine)

Skewer the chicken and grill in the oven or on a grill or for my recipe today place in a pan and steer occasionally till the chicken changes color.(You know it’s done by trying to divide a piece with a spoon..if you do it easily…it’s ready)

Mexican rice

1 cup basmati rice

1 medium onion finely diced

2 tomatoes chopped

1 teaspoon garlic powder

1 green pepper chopped (you can add red or yellow)

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

1/2 teaspoon oregano

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon all spice

olive oil

Saute the onions in olive oil. Add the pepper, saute for 4-5 minutes (you don’t want to over cook the pepper).

Add the tomatoes,oregano and spice, stir for 5 minutes

Add rice and enough water so that the level of liquid is 1-2 cm above the rice. Let the water come to a boil,lower the heat and cover till the rice soaks up all the liquid.



1بصله متوسطه الحجم مفرومه ناعم
1فلفل حلو أخضر-أحمر-أصفر برتقالى المتواجد مفرومين مربعات صغيره
1.5ملعقه صغيره بودره ثوم 
2 بندوره مفروم ناعم
 فلفل أسود
كوب أرز بسمتي


يقلب البصل بقليل من الزيت ثم الفلفل الحلو أفضل أن تبقى الخضار نضره
ثم نضع البندوره والتوم والبهاررات ومقدار الماء حسب نوع الارز
( يجب أن تراعى عزيزتى مقدار الماء إذا أستخدمتى كوب من البندوره )
ثم نضع الارز ونخفض النار الى الوسط
حتى يغلى الماء ثم نضعه على نار خفيفه حتى تمام نضج الارز

ويقدم بجانب المشاوى