Sandwichmania…egg sandwich

I have a confession to make..I LOVE sandwiches! and mind you, not all sandwiches are created equal…I’m rather picky when it comes to my sandwiches..

Take for example, the egg sandwich..Most recipes call for a ton of mayonnaise…now dont get me wrong, I’m not against mayonnaise. In fact I love the stuff ! it’s great in many sandwiches,salads and even some delicious chicken marinades that I’ll post soon…but here eggs + mayonnaise = soggy sandwich.

If there is one thing I can’t stand,it’s a soggy sandwich.

There is only one way I’ll eat an egg sandwich, here it is:

Egg sandwich

1 egg boiled

Pinch of salt


Oregano (if you have zaatar use it.. I mostly do)

Lettuce (optional)

Lightly toast your bread. it gives texture and the sandwich holds up better.

Arrange lettuce on your toast

To get a perfectly boiled egg, put the egg in room temperature water and allow the water to heat till it boils. Turn off the heat and let the egg sit in the water for 15 minutes then remove it and immerse it in cold water.

Peel and slice the egg into thin slices. Sprinkle with salt oregano. Drizzle with ketchup. ENJOY!

If you have lettuce on hand use it. It adds colour and a delicious crunch but if you don’t,you can do without it

I know …I know…I’m mad but hey..the post is titled sandwichmania lol… All I ask of you, is to humor me and  just give my sandwich recipes (there are more coming your way) a try…