With the daring kitchen and the secret recipe club coming to an end and me no longer taking part in Darna magazine , I found my self looking for a new challenge, something to push me outside of my comfort zone into trying new recipes, meeting new people and learning more about all the hidden gems different cuisines have to offer.

Today’s post is my first challenge with the MENA cooking club, if you don’t know about it, here is a little background from their “about ” page:

Mena Cooking club was started for foodies worldwide who have a love of trying new things. You do not have to be Middle Eastern or North African or have a connection to them you just have to have an appetite to learn more about beautiful food cultures. We will go through the countries in alphabetical order with a host, choosing a savory and a sweet dish, then each member prepares the recipe of their choosing . Together we will share our creations and what we have learned. We hope to make new friends, learn more about food and just have fun.

Parda plau the ultimate Iraqi rice and pastry dish.jpg

I am really excited for this new adventure and I look forward to taking you along with me every month on a new culinary journey in the Middle East and North Africa.With fewer commitments on my plate , I also am really looking forward to blogging more frequently, working on my videos and youtube channel (please subscribe if you haven’t already) but most importantly reconnecting with many of my blogging friends who I have missed dearly.