I am horribly terribly late in posting my daring cooks and bakers challenges 😦 I make the challenges in time for the reveal but finding the time to sit down and write the post has proven to be an elusive task.So for this week,  I am trying to catch up on posting my challenges.

This month, the Daring Cooks challenged us to think inside the box – the icebox, that is! Audax taught us some really cool tips and tricks for stocking our freezers with prepare-ahead meals that can keep our taste buds satisfied even during the busiest of times.

back to school freezer meals from chef in disguise

This challenge could not have come at a better time, as we head back to school  (I can’t believe how quickly this summer has slipped by) a bit of organization can be  a life saver in those busy first few weeks.

10 great back to school freezer meals from chef in disguise

In this post I will share a collection of my favorite freezer recipes that I usually prepare around the end of summer to help me ease back into the busy school routine.