The secret to making large cluster granola

Learn all the secrets to making perfect large-cluster granola with this easy recipe! Perfectly huge and crunchy granola clusters with lots of cinnamon maple flavor

I am back 🙂 Did you miss me?
Despite my best laid plans, I couldn’t post here while we were on vacation in Jordan. I have so many pictures to share and adventures to tell you about but for today, I thought I would ease myself back into regular posting with a short and sweet post about my go to recipe for perfectly huge and crunchy oat clusters

Learn all the secrets to making perfect large-cluster granola with this easy recipe! Perfectly huge and crunchy granola clusters with lots of cinnamon maple flavor

School started today in the UAE and with 2 kids in school, I try my best to prepare things ahead of time to make my mornings less stressful. Over the weekend I try to prepare things that the kids can have for breakfast (whether at home or on the go) or they can pack them in their lunchboxes .
One of my kids’ favorite recipes (that you probably saw on my instagram story more than once) is these oat clusters (or granola clusters). The kids love eating these in the morning with some yogurt, fruits and a drizzle of honey or they take them to school as a snack.
I personally love munching on a few in the afternoon or whenever I am feeling hungry and need a little pick me up. They are perfectly crunchy on the outside, slightly chewy in the center, sweet without being overly so. The cinnamon and maple syrup are a brilliant combo that you just have to try.
The secret to creating these large oat clusters is the use of the oat flour. It acts as the glue that helps the clusters stick together. You can replace all of the oat flour or part of it with almond flour if you like. The idea is to have it finely ground.
I personally grind my own oat flour by pulsing it in the food processor. It is quick and easy and saves me from buying one more pantry item 🙂
Learn all the secrets to making perfect large-cluster granola with this easy recipe! Perfectly huge and crunchy granola clusters with lots of cinnamon maple flavor

Large cinnamon maple oat clusters

3 cups rolled oats
2 cups oat flour
1/4 cup chia seeds (optional)
0.5 cup maple syrup
0.5 cup almond butter (or any nut butter)
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon cinnamon
In a pot add the almond butter, maple syrup,and  coconut oil.
Heat gently till homogenous. Take of the heat and add the cinnamon and vanilla
In a bowl mix the oats,flour and chia seeds
Add the maple mix and toss till completely coated
Spread on a pan lined with parchment and take small handfulls and press them in the palm of your hand to form clusters
Bake in the center of 160 C oven for 20 minutes. Stir gently half way.
Turn off the oven and leave them in for 10 min.
Take them out of the oven, allow to cool completely then store in an airtight container
Homemade oat clusters: Learn all the secrets to making perfect large-cluster granola with this easy recipe! Perfectly huge and crunchy granola clusters with lots of cinnamon maple flavor
اليوم اول ايام المدرسه كل سنه و انتو سالمين و ان شاء الله سنه خير و تفوق لكل الطلاب. اول ايام المدرسه بيكون وقت الصبح شوي مكركب و الوقت مضغوط عشان هيك انا بفضل يكون عندي خيارات جاهزه للفطور متل كرات الشوفان المقرمشه بياكلوها الاولاد مع لبن و فواكه او مع حليب او ممكن ياخدوها على المدرسه كسناك
وصفتي المعتمده هي
3 أكواب الشوفان التقليدي (لا تختاروا سريع التحضير)
2 كوب دقيق الشوفان
 1/4 كوب بذور شيا (اختياري)
0.5 كوب شراب القيقب او العسل
 0.5 كوب زبدة اللوز (أو أي زبدة مكسرات)
2 ملعقة طعام زيت جوز الهند
 1 ملعقة صغيرة فانيليا 1
 ملعقة صغيرة من القرفة
في طنجره نضيف زبدة اللوز، شراب القيقب، وزيت جوز الهند و نحرك على نار هادئه حتى تذوب الزبده و يتجانس الخليط
 نرفع الخليط عن النار و نضيف القرفة والفانيليا
 في وعاء نخلط الشوفان والدقيق وبذور شيا ثم نضيف مزيج القيقب ونقلب حتى يمتزج الشوفان بالخليط
 نضع ورق الخبز على صينيه الخبز و نأخذ مقدار قبضه صغيره من الخليط. و نضغط عليها في راحة يدك لتشكيل كرات نوزعها على صينيه الخبز
نخبزها في وسط الفرن على حراره160 C  لمدة 20 دقيقة. تحرك بلطف في منتصف المده
  نطفىء الفرن وتركهم فيه لمدة 10 دقيقة.
نخرجهم من الفرن و نتركهم ليبردوا تماما ثم يعبأ في وعاء محكم الاغلاق