Healthy breakfast platter ideas

I am sorry for not posting on Tuesday last week and yesterday. There is so much that has been happening on so many levels and I needed some time to step back and think.

I was going to write about all the things that have been weighing on my mind, the news and terrible images from Aleppo, the news from Jordan, some personal defeats and betrayals that hurt..But since the world seems to have so much hate and ugliness at the moment, I have decided to shift my attention and focus on the beauty around me instead of feeding the ugliness. It seems that the need to slow down and focus on the full half of the cup increases with every passing day and in that spirit, I am sharing a few pictures I took over the past week of things that brought me joy. I do hope that you’ll take a moment to slow down and enjoy them and if you have an extra minute, share a beautiful moment that you have experienced this past week with me in the comments. I really can’t tell you how much joy your comments and support mean to me.


morning light.jpg

UAE winter birds.jpg


Morning by the sea.jpgcreek mornings.jpgFishermen.jpg

I have added some inspirational quotes to some of the pictures, in the spirit of the upcoming new year 🙂 feel free to share them or use them in any way that you like

Better things ahead.jpg



And now back to the recipes 🙂

Today’s ideas make a wonderful special breakfast on the weekend, they can also be a great way to enjoy the morning if you’re having friends over. I know I don’t usually share such recipes which are more ideas to inspire you  than real recipes to follow to the letter. Do let me know if you like them. If you do, I will try to post more in the future.

Idea #1: toasted zaatar wraps “zaatar saj”

Breakfast platter with Zaatar toasted sandwiches.jpg

Zaatar spice blend

olive oil

Saj bread or any type of thin flat bread you can use for a wrap (tortilla would work really well here)

Cucumber slices

Tomato slices


Labneh with olives (you can find step by step instructions on how to make your own labneh here )

Green onions


Mix the zaatar with enough olive oil to form a thick paste

Spread the zaater paste on your flat bread and wrap it

Toast it in a panini press then cut it into 1 inch segments


Zaatar saj breakfast.jpg

Idea #2: Avocado and bread sandwiches

Healthy breakfast platter with eggs and avocado.jpg

Mashed avocado with lemon juice, salt and black pepper to taste

Eggs (any way you prefer them, we like them sunny side up)

Baby spinach

Cherry tomatoes

Sliced radishes

Your favorite bread, I used Rye bread and ciabatta bread

Avocado and sunny side up eggs -breakfast platter.jpg

Idea # 3: Pesto scrambled eggs with asparagus and mushrooms served with herb and cheese bread


Breakfast platter featuring scrambled eggs and herb and cheese bread 2.jpg

Herb and cheese bread (you can find the recipe here)

Pesto scrambled eggs with mushrooms and asparagus

4 eggs

1 tablespoon pesto

1/4 cup milk

2-3 tablespoons olive oil

1/2 can of sliced mushrooms

150 grams asparagus cleaned, trimmed and cut into 1 inch slices

1/4 teaspoon paprika (optional)

1/4 teaspoon herbs de provence (optional)

Salt and pepper to taste


1.Beat the eggs with the pesto and the milk
2. Heat the oil in a pan
3.Add the mushrooms and saute for 5-6 minutes
4.Add the asparagus and saute until tender
5.Add the eggs and stir until done
6. Season with salt and pepper


اليوم عندي مجموعه افكار للفطور بتنفع  تستمتعوا فيها مع اسرتكم خلال العطله . تحضيرها سهل و مكوناتها صحيه الفكره هي بطريقه التقديم اللي فيها تغيير عن المعتاد. الصور في بدايه البوست هي من تصويري. حبيت اشارككم فيها بعد اسبوع كان مليء بالاخبار البائسه من سوريا و الاردن لارسم ابتسامه امل على وجوهكم..اتمنى تعجبكم

الفكره الاولى:

خلطت زعتر مع زيت زيتون لحتى شكلوا خليط سميك و دهنت خبز الصاج بالخليط و لفيته

بعدها حمصته و قطعته قطع صغيره و قدمته مع لبنه و زيتون و قطع خيار و بندوره و طبعا رفيق الفطور الدائم الشاي


الفكره الثانيه:

سندويشات البيض و الافوكادو

افوكادو مهروس مع ملح و ليمون

بيض محضر بطريقتكم المفضله

ورق سبانخ صغير

فجل مقطع شرائح

بندوره كرز

خبزكم المفضل انا استخدمت خبز راي و خبز شاباتا


الفكره الثالثه: بيض بالبيستو و الفطر و الهليون مع كيكه الزعتر و الجبنه المالحه

وصفه الكيكه المالحه موجوده هنا

لتحضير البيض:

4 بيض

1 ملعقه كبيره بيستو

ربع كوب حليب

2-3 ملاعق زيت زيتون

نصف علبه فطر مقطع

150 غرام هليون


اعشاب بروفانس (ممكن استبدالها بخليط من الزعتر و الريحان و الروزماري)

ملح و فلفل