Dawood basha (Arabic meatballs) recipe

This Dawood basha recipe was actually one of the earliest recipes I have shared on this blog. It is one of my kids’ all time favorites! but at the time, my pictures were faaaaar from perfect and though I still learn something new with every picture I take, I am really proud of how far my photography has come. (Try not to laugh when you click back to the old pictures, my kids think it is a joke and have been making fun of that picture all day lol)



If you’re wondering what the name means, Pasha or pascha was a high ranking officer  in the Ottoman Empire’s political and military system. The title was typically granted to governors, generals and dignitaries. In Arabic there is no P so the title is written and pronounced as basha . This dish is named after a famous basha: Dawood basha who is said to have ruled over Lebanon and Iraq and one of his chefs created this recipe especially for him


Dawood basha Arabic meatballs

  • Servings: 4-6
  • Difficulty: easy
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Dawood basha


Recipe source: Sawsan Abu Farha (http://chefindisguise.com)


• 500 grams ground beef
• 2 onions finely chopped
• 1 clove garlic minced
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon all spice
• 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

To make the sauce

• 1 medium onion cut into strips
• 1 clove of garlic minced
• 3 medium Potatoes, peeled, cut into cubes and fried
• 2 tomatoes cut into cubes
• 1 green pepper cut into strips(you can use other colors if you like)
• 1/2 teaspoon salt
• 3 cups water
• 2 tablespoons tomato paste


1.Prepare the meat balls by mixing the ground beef, onion,garlic, parsley, salt and spices until homogeneous
2.Form the meat into small balls.
3.In a nonstick pan heat a little olive oil and then add the meat balls and brown them on all sides.
4.Remove the meatballs from the pan and add the onions, cook for a couple of minutes then add the garlic. Cook for a couple of minutes more.
5.Add the chopped tomatoes and pepper. Stir for 5 minutes.
6.Add the meat balls back and then add the tomato paste and enough water to submerge the meatballs (I used 3 cups, you may need more or less depending on the size of the meatballs and your pot)
7.Season with salt. Cover and cook for 20 minutes
8.Add the potatoes, cook for 10 minutes
9.Serve with rice and enjoy


I usually add 1 teaspoon of curry powder to the sauce, this is not traditional but it adds a refreshing twist .

dawood basha the ultimate arabic meatball.jpg

وصفه الداوود باشا هي من وصفات عائلتي المفضله. مع انه تحضيرها بيستهلك شويه وقت الا انه النتيجه بتستحق المجهود. القصه وراء تسميه هذه الوصفه هي انها طورت خصيصا لاجل داوود باشا احد الحكام العثمانيين  الذي كان مسؤولا عن منطقه بلاد الشام و العراق من قبل طباخي البلاط و لما نالت الوصفه اعجابه سميت باسمه

داوود باشا

500 جرام لحم بقري مفروم (بامكانكم استخدام لحم الخروف)

بصلتين مفرومه ناعم

 1 فص ثوم مهروس

1 ملعقة صغيرة من الملح

1 ملعقة صغيرة من البهار الحلو

1/2 ملعقة صغيره قرفة

لتحضير الصلصة

1 بصلة متوسطة مقطعة إلى شرائح

1 فص من الثوم مفروم

3 حبات بطاطا متوسطة، مقشرة، مقطعة إلىمكعبات و مقليه

 2 طماطم مقطعه إلى مكعبات

1 الفلفل أخضرحلو مقطع إلى شرائح

1/2 ملعقه صغيره ملح


2 ملعقة طعام معجون الطماطم