Red bean corn salsa

My assignment for this month’s Secret recipe club was Lori’s culinary creations . When I got my assignment I was super excited to check out Lori’s blog. I was greeted by a picture of her smiling in her about page and this lovely motto:

Today is life-the only life you are sure of. Make the most of today. Get interested in something. Shake yourself awake. Develop a hobby. Let the winds of enthusiasm sweep through you. Live today with gusto

Lori lives in Utah with her husband Mark. She has two step daughters and six grand kids.  She loves spending spare time riding in the canyons on her Harley alongside her husband. To add to the fun lori lives with four energetic cats, three dogs and an African Grey parrot who rules the roost.

Corn and redbean salsa

After going through Lori’s archives, I decided to make her fresh beet and goat salad with mango lime dressing. I bought everything and was set to do it last weekend but then my husband decided to juice the beets!! So instead I went for her black bean and corn salsa but used red beans instead of black because that is what I had on hand.I also added a little olive oil, I know that is not very Mexican but I love the nuttiness of olive oil in salads and salsas

The kids loved the salsa! they ate it with some homemade tortilla chips. The sweetness of the corn, the buttery beans, the bite of the onions, the freshness of the lime and herbs all come together into a wonderful appetizer that would be great for a party. But you don’t have to wait for a party to make this, do it now as it is a great way to add color and nutritional boost to any meal


Red bean and corn salsa

1 can red beans, rinsed and drained
1 can corn
3 tomatoes chopped
1/2 red onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
Juice from 2 fresh limes
1 cup chopped parsley or cilantro
Salt to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil (optional)

Mix, cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes up to 2 hours to allow the flavors to blend

Red bean and corn slasa

السلسا هي نوع من السلطه المشهورة في المكسيك. تقدم عادة مع خبز التورتيلا المحمص

علبة فاصوليا حمراء

علبه ذرة

3 حبات بندورة مفرومه

نصف بصله مفرومه

سن ثوم مهروس

عصير 2 ليمون اخضر

كوب بقدونس مفروم

3 ملاعق زيت زيتون

ملح حسب الرغبه

تخلط كل المكونات و تترك من ربع ساعه الى ساعتين لتتمازج النكهات
