Sheep cookies

Eid is just around the corner and when you’re an expat living away from your friends and family you need to go the extra mile to help everyone (especially the kids) get into the spirit of Eid.

My kids love crafts,so we all decided to make our own decorations this year. We made some banners, mini flags and we decorated a tray that we filled with little giveaways. The kids will take the giveaway tray to school to give to their classmates and teachers the day before Eid

eid banners

You can find the printables and the step by step instructions for making the banners can be found in this file

eid flags

The printables and the instructions for the mini flags (you can also use them as cupcake toppers or as straw decorations)can be found in this file

Eid giveaway tray

and the step by step instructions for  making the giveaway tray can be found  here on my drive
Red tag eid tablesetup

The best part is, you can make these crafts separately or you can use them to create your very own eid corner in your house.

If you’re wondering what to put in the goodies bag, you can always make maamoul but if you want to make something fun that the kids can help with, try these sheep cookies

Eid cookies

Sheep cookies for Eid 

Cookie recipe adapted from my checkerboard cookie recipe


5 1/3 cups all-purpose flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 lb (2 cups or 4 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature

2 cups granulated sugar

1 tbsp pure vanilla extract

2 large eggs, at room temperature

½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder


Sift 5 cups of the flour with the baking powder, and salt. Set aside.

In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy.

Beat in the eggs, one at a time, then add the vanilla extract.

Add the flour mixture and mix to combine

Divide the dough in half.

Knead ½ cup of cocoa into one of the two halfs (if your dough becomes tough or crumbly add one egg white)

If the white half of the dough is a little on the soft side, add the remaining 1/3 cup of flour

Form the dough into somewhat rectangular shape

Wrap the dough in a plastic wrapper then put in the fridge for at least 15 minutes (You can leave it over night)

Roll out the dough to be half a cm in thickness

To make each sheep you will need alarge round cookie cutter for the base. A flower cookie cutter (this will make the body), a small round cookie cutter for the face of the sheep (you can use a bottle cap if you don’t have one) and 4 small balls of dough. 2 for the legs and 2 for the ears


Cut out a circle of dough

Brush it with a little water (this will help the layers stick together)

Top it with the flower shaped dough

brush it with a little water

Top it with the little round piece

Pinch the 2 of the small dough balls to create the ears

Then add the legs

You can also make the sheep on their own without the round base

step 2

You can also add eyes and a mouth if you like

Remember to alternate the colors, if the base is chocolate, the sheep’s body should be vanilla and the face should be chocolate

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 C in batches on the central rack, for about 12 minutes until firm and golden brown on the bottom. Don’t let them bake for too long, or the color contrast between the chocolate and vanilla dough will be lost.

Eid sheep cookies

Cool in the pan for 10 minutes then transfer to a wire rack

Store in an airtight container once completely cool

بسكوت العيد على شكل خراف
5 و1 / 3 كوب طحين لجميع الأغراض
1 ملعقة شاي بيكنغ باودر
1 ملعقة شاي ملح
2 كوب أو 4 اصابع زبدة غير مملحه ، في درجة حرارة الغرفة
2 كوب سكر
1 ملعقة صغيرة من الفانيليا
2 بيض كبير في درجة حرارة الغرفة
½ كوب من مسحوق الكاكاو غير المحلى

ينخل5 اكواب من الدقيق مع البيكنغ باودر والملح. يوضع جانبا.
اخفقي الزبدة والسكر معا حتى يصبح المزيج خفيف ورقيق.

اضيفي البيض ، واحده واحده و اخفقي، ثم اضيفي الفانيلا.
يضاف خليط الدقيق ويحرك بالملعقه الخشبيه ثم يعجن باليد
تقسم العجينة إلى نصفين.
اضيفي الكاكاو لنصف الخليط و اعجنيه برفق حتى يتمازج
اضيفي 1/3 كوب الدقيق المتبقي للنصف الابيض اذا شعرتي انه العجين رخو
لفي كل نصف من العجين و ضعيه في الثلاجه لمده ساعه على الاقل
رقي العجينليصبح بسمك نصف سنتمتر
لكل خروف ستحتاجين الى قطاعه دائريه كبيره لتشكيل القاعده و قطاعه على شكل ورده لجسم الخروف و قطاعه دائريه صغيره لوجه الخروف. بامكانك استخدام غطاء زجاجه بدل القطاعه الصغيره. كما و سيلزمك 4 كرات عجين صغيره
لتشكيل الاقدام و الاذنين
اختاري الالوان بالتبادل بحيث لو كانت القاعده بسكوت شوكولا فليكن الجسم فانيلا و الوجه من بسكوت الشوكولا
اخبزي البسكوت في الرف الاوسط من فرن محمى مسبقا على حراره  180 لمده 12 دقيقه او حتى يتماسك البسكوت و
تصبح القاعده ذهبيه اللون
sheep cookies for eid