Tamriyeh: a Palestinian dessert from Nablus

Our Arabic flavor recipe for the Month of April  took us to Nablus! Rania Al Wazani invited us to make Tamriyeh, the popular Nabulsi dessert from scratch.

Last year, in my Romanieh recipe post I took you on a little trip to the old markets of Nablus.
Nablus (sometimes called Nābulus) is a Palestinian city in the northern West-Bank, approximately 63 kilometers (39 mi) north of Jerusalem. Located between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim

When it comes to food, Nablus is a gastronomic heaven,famous for its signiture cheese “the Nabulsi cheese” and its wide array of sweets, ranging from kunafeh, a stringy, cheesy, crispy, sweet, gooey, delicious dessert which defies definition.

Kunafeh,street food in Palestine
To baklava of every variety,Zalabia, Kollaj,  candied pumpkin, Tahini halwa, Tamryieh (which I’m sharing with you today) and all sorts of other sugary treats. If you have a sweet tooth, you’ll be very happy in Nablus. And if you don’t, you will soon develop one 🙂

Atayef (kataif or قطايف) are thin and lacy stuffed Arabic pancakes. What sets these pancakes apart is that they are cooked only on one side, the other side is velvety because it is covered with bubbles, this allows the flavors of the filling to permeate the atayef.
Atayef (kataif or قطايف) are thin and lacy stuffed Arabic pancakes. What sets these pancakes apart is that they are cooked only on one side, the other side is velvety because it is covered with bubbles, this allows the flavors of the filling to permeate the atayef.
An old man selling sesame brittle  on the streets of Nablus
An old man selling sesame brittle on the streets of Nablus
Kollaj dough in the making. These paper thin sheets of dough, which are similar to phyllo are stuffed with nuts or cheese. They are then baked, and drizzled with a rosewater scented syrup. The outer layers of dough become crisp and crunchy while the inner layers absorb the syrup and take on the spices usually mixed with the filling. The result is simply irresistible!
Kollaj dough in the making. These paper thin sheets of dough, which are similar to phyllo are stuffed with nuts or cheese. They are then baked, and drizzled with a rosewater scented syrup. The outer layers of dough become crisp and crunchy while the inner layers absorb the syrup and take on the spices usually mixed with the filling. The result is simply irresistible!

Nabulsi tamria

If you have never tried Tamriyeh before, it is basically fried golden pillows of paper thin dough that are filled with a semolina pudding ,scented with mastic and orange blossom water. Tamriyeh is usually served hot (for you to enjoy it before the crust loses its crunch) and it is usually dusted with powdered sugar for a little extra sweetness.

The contrast of the crunchy golden crust vs the velvety smooth filling is irresistible to say the least

There are a number of stories behind the name Tamriyeh, some say that the name was given to the dessert by the chef who created it, in reference to his hometown Tamra. Others say that the name refers to the fact that the pudding is buried in the dough (In arabic bury means طمر “Tamar”)

Regardless of where the recipe gets its name from, it is definitely a treat you need to try 🙂

Palestinian Tamriyeh


My simple changes to the recipe are in red


For the dough

3/4 cups all purpose flour

1/4 cup of water (I needed a 2 more tablespoons)

1/4 teaspoon salt

For the filling

1/2 cup of semolina

1/2 cup sugar

2 cups water

1 teaspoon orange blossom water

5 mastic beads crushed with a teaspoon of sugar

For the decoration

1/2 cup powdered sugar

The method

To prepare the dough:

In a stand mixer or a bowl, add the flour, salt and 1/4 cup of water.

Knead until the dough comes together into a soft slightly sticky ball of dough (add more water if needed)

Divide the dough into 2 parts, drizzle with vegetable oil and cover. Allow the dough to rest for  a minimum of 2 hours (you can store the dough in the fridge over night)

Make the filling

In a pot, add the semolina, water, sugar and mastic.

Cook over medium low heat while stirring until the mix thickens and comes to a boil

Add the orange blossom water and take the pudding off the heat

semolina pudding

Pour the pudding into a tray, you want the pudding to be about 1 cm thick

Allow the pudding to cool down completely (it will firm up considerably)

Make the Tamriyeh

Drizzle your working surface with a little vegetable oil

Take one piece of dough and roll it or spread it by hand using this method until it is really thin


Divide the rolled dough into 4 parts

Place a square of the chilled filling in the center of each part


spread it slightly with the back of a spoon


Fold the corners of the dough to encase the filling

Tamryieh folding steps

Fry in preheated oil until golden brown

The tamriyeh pillows will puff up while frying


Dust with powdered sugar and serve immediately

Tamriyeh a palestinian dessert from Nablus

وصفه الشهر تقديم الجميلة رانيا الوزني من فلسطين  “التمريه” او  ” طمريه ” عباره عن عجينه محشيه بنوع من الحلوى يسمى حلاوة السميد أو كريزه تشتهر بها مدينه نابلس في فلسطين

هنالك عدة روايات لتفسير الاسم..احداها انه في سنة 1948 اضطر شب فلسطيني من عائلة عرفات على ترك بلدته “تمره” و انتقل لنابلس و هناك افتتح محل حلويات و ابتكر نوع حلوى سماه تمريه نسبه لقريته المهجره.

رواية اخرى تعزو التسميه الى ان حلوى السميد “تطمر” او تغطى بالعجين و لذلك تسمى طمريه

بغض النظر عن الاسم فان التمريه وصفه تستحق التجربه..طبقات العجين تتحول مع القلي الى اللون الذهبي و تصبح مقرمشه بينما تعطي الحشوه نكهه المستكه و ماء الورد في مزيج لذيذ لا يقاوم


التمريه النابلسيه

اضافاتي البسيطه للوصفه باللون الاحمر

انا ضاعفت الوصفه


3\4 كوب طحين
1\4 كوب ماء أكثر أو أقل حسب الحاجه
رشة ملح
للحشوه (حلاوة السميد):
0.5 كوب سميد خشن
0.5 كوب سكر
2 كوب ماء
ملعقه صغيره من الماء زهر
5-6 فصوص من المستكه مطحونه مع ملعقه سكر

سكر بودره للتزين

نضع الطحين ورشة الملح في وعاء العجن , نضيف الماء بالتدريج و نعجن جيدا حتى نحصل على عجينه طريه غير لاصقه. نستمر بالعجن على الأقل 5 دقائق بالعجانه و أكثر لو كان العجن باليد.

نقسم العجينه إلى 8 أقسام متساويه  (انا قطعتها الى قطعتين) و نضعها في وعاء مدهون بقليل من الزيت, نغطيها و نتركها ترتاح من ساعتين إلى ليله كامله.
للحشوه :
في وعاء على النار نضع السكر, الماء, والسميد و نستمر بالتحريك حتى الغليان , نتركها تغلي قليلا مع التحرك حتى نحصل على قوام كثيف.

نسكب حلاوة السميد في صينيه مستطيله مقاس 7*11 انش ونتركها حتى تبرد ثم نغطيها بالنايلون الشفاف ونضعها بالثلاجه.
نقطع الحشوه إلى 8 قطع متساويه. 
فوق سطح مرشوش بقليل من الزيت ,نفرد كل قسم من العجينه على شكل مربع رقيق قدر المستطاع




نضع قطعه من الحشوه في الوسط, نأخذ زاويه من العجينه و نضعها فوق الحشوه ونكمل مع باقي الزوايا حتى نغلق كل العجينه فوق الحشوه ونحصل على شكل مربع مع ملاحظة عدم شد العجينه على الحشوه حتى لا تتمزق.

Tamryieh folding steps

نضغط على المربع باليد حتى نرققه قليلا.

نكمل مع باقي القطع و نقليها في زيت حار حتى تأخذ العجينه اللون الذهبي و تصبح مقرمشه.

نرش سكر بودره على وجه التمريه و تقدم في الحال. 

 Nabulsi tamria