Arabic seven spice blend

Spice blends remind me of the trips I used to take with my dad to down town Amman. There was a time when you could only buy your spices and spice mixes at the old parts of the city. Sure, it is more convenient to have a supermarket or a mall around every corner where you can buy everything that you need (and don’t need) but I always found it enchanting to watch the process of making a spice blend.

Nablus market
The old market- Nablus – Palestine

The spice shop that we used to go to was run by an kind and cheerful old man, watching him make spice blends was like watching a dance. He would maneuver his way around the crowded shop adding a little bit of this, a hint of that, pausing to smell the mix every now and then to make sure he added the right amounts of spices and decide on what to add next. He never used the scales or measuring cups, yet he managed to produce the exact same blend every time

Arabic seven spice blend

Arabic seven spice blend is the third blend in my herb and spice blend series. It is used heavily in the Levantine cuisine, particularly in Syrian and Lebanese recipes.

As the name implies, there are 7 spices that make up this blend and give it its signature flavor that is used to add an irresistible middle eastern touch to soups, tomato sauces, rice pilafs, and couscous. You can also use it as a rub for meat and chicken.I got this recipe from my wonderfully talented friend Mona and I strongly urge you to give it a try

Arabic 7 spice mix

Arabic seven spice blend

You can make 1/2 or 1/4 the recipe

250 grams (2 ½ cups) (600ml) all spice
110 grams (1 cup) (240 ml) black pepper
52 grams (1/2 cup) (120ml) cloves
25 grams (1/4 cup) (60ml) nutmeg (optional)
25 grams (1/4 cup)(60 ml)cardamom
25 grams (1/4 cup)(60 ml)cinnamon
25 grams (1/3 cup)(80 ml)dried ginger

Simply place all the ingredients in a spice grinder and process until finely ground. You can also grind each of the spices separately then combine them to get your spice blend


خلطات البهار تذكرني دوما بالاسواق القديمة. عندما كنت طفله كنت اذهب مع ابي الى البلد في عمان لشراء البهارات. في ذلك الوقت لم تكن هناك مجمعات تجاريه  ضخمه و لا مولات في كل حي و كان يتوجب عليك ان اردت ان تشتري الكثير من الاشياء ان تذهب الى البلد.

انا كنت و لا زلت اعشق وسط البلد في عمان. هناك سحر يصعب تفسيره في الاحياء القديمه. ربما لانها ذات شخصيه و روح بالمقارنه مع المربعات الاسمنتيه عديمه الشخصيه التي نعيش فيها هذه الايام. او ربما لانك هناك تحتك بالناس  البسطاء، الذين يواجهون الحياة رغم صعوبتها بابتسامه. لست ادري

الوصفه من صديقتي المبدعه منى الصابوني

خلطه السبع بهارات

كوبان و نصف بهار حلو حب

 كوب فلفل اسود حب

نصف كوب قرنفل حب

  ربع كوب جوزة الطيب – اختياري

ربع كوب هيل حب

ربع كوب قرفه حب

ثلث كوب زنجبيل مجفف

في مطحنه البهار اطحنى كل نوع بهار على حده ثم اخلطي البهارات المطحونه معا