Apple raisin granola bars “flapjack”

flapjack, muesli bar, cereal bar, or granola bar , no matter what you choose to call it, is a great breakfast when you are in a hurry. They are quick and easy to make and are perfect to pack in the lunch box or to enjoy as a pick me up snack after school or in the evening.

A flapjack (granola bar)  is simply a sweet tray-baked oat bar made from rolled oats, butter, brown sugar and golden syrup. In addition to the four basics there is a variety of extra ingredients  you can add such as chocolate, dried fruit, nuts, and toffee pieces or coatings,like melted chocolate. There is so much room for creativity with this recipe as the flavor combination possibilities are endless.

Apple raisin granola bars

For this month Secret recipe club, my assignment was Rachel Cotterill’s blog. Rachael is a freelance writer (she has written two fantasy adventure novels ), a photographer, and a computational linguistics PhD student. She describes herself as someone who collects skills the way other people collect stamps – so far including dry-stone walling, taekwondo, sugarcraft, EFL teaching, rope-splicing, skiing & snowboarding, knitting & crochet, cooking, juggling, coppicing, and archery… the list keeps growing!

I loved going through Rachael’s archives , I bookmarked her quesadillasbeanburgers,and  marzipan dates but ended up making her apple and raisin flapjack. Granola bars/ flapjacks have been on my list of recipes to try forever, it was time to take them off the list.

Granola bar breakfast

We all loved the flapjacks! They were crisp around the edges and slightly chewy in the center. The apple, oat, raisin, honey combo was heavenly. The flavors were all mild and perfectly blended together. I chose to replace the golden syrup with honey for a healthier option and I will try the recipe again with apple sauce instead of the butter next time and I will let you know how it turns out. This one is definitely a keeper and I can’t wait to play around with different additions,I see a chocolate hazelnut granola bar in the my near future

Apple raisin flapjack

Apple & Raisin Flapjacks
Makes 12

162 g butter
110 g (1/2 cup) soft brown sugar
4 tablespoons (1/4  cup) honey
375g (3 3/4 cups) rolled oats
1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon
1 large apple
1/2 cup raisins

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C
  2. Melt the butter, sugar, and honey by placing them in a pot over medium low heat
  3. While the butter is melting, core the apple and grate it
  4. Stir the oats, the cinnamon, the chopped apples and the raisins to the butter honey mixture and  stir until all the oats are coated
  5. Line a pan with grease-proof paper, add he mixture and press gently , smoothing with a spatula to ensure approximately even depth
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the surface is golden brown
  7. Allow to cool in the tray until they are set hard enough to cut, then slice up and move to a wire rack to cool
  8. If you would like your granola bars to be a little crispier, heat the oven to 180C for 10 minutes, turn it off, place the bars in the oven and close the door. Leave them their till the oven cools down completely

Apple granola bars

 اصابع الجرانولا وصفه سهله جدا, سريعة التحضير . هي رائعه كخيار للفطور او لارسالها مع الاطفال للمدرسه. مكوناتها الاساسيه هي الشوفان و العسل و السكر البني و الزبده. مكنك اضافه ما شئتي من الاضافات لتنويع النكهه كالفواكه او المكسرات او الشوكولا. كما و يمكنك تغليفها بالشوكولا مثلا لو احببتي

اصابع جرانولا التفاح والزبيب

ينتج 12

مئه و اثنان و ستون غرام من الزبدة
نصف كوب سكر بني ناعم
اربع ملاعق كبيرة (1/4 كوب) عسل
ثلاث اكواب و ثلاث ارباع الكوب شوفان
ملعقة صغيرة من القرفة المسحوقة
تفاحة كبيرة
نصف كوب زبيب

سخني الفرن إلى 190 درجة مئوية
تذوب الزبدة والسكر والعسل عن طريق وضعها في وعاء على نار خفيفة متوسطة
خلا تذويب الزبدة، ازيلي بذور التفاح و ابشريها
اضيفي الشوفان، والقرفة، والتفاح والزبيب إلى خليط الزبدة والعسل وحركي حتى يتم تغليف الشوفان بالكامل
جهزي صينيه بفردها بورق الخبز و افردي المزيج و مهديه باستخدام ملعقه مسطحه
تخبز لمدة 20 دقيقة، أو حتى يصبح السطح بنيا ذهبيا
دعيها لتبرد في الصينيه ثم ارفعيها من الصينيه و قطعيها
إذا كانت الجرانولا طريه و ترغبين في ان تكون مقرمشه اعيدي تسخين الفرن إلى 180 لمدة 10 دقيقة، اطفئي الفرن ، ضعي الجرانولا في الفرن وإغلقي الباب و اتركيها في الفرن حتى يبرد تماما