Madlouah – Lebanese nights dessert

Madlouaha , Layali lobnan (ليالي لبنان )or Lebanese nights, are all names for one of my favorite refreshing, desserts. Lebanese nights is basically a cold semolina pudding with an orange blossom syrup and pistachio/ fruit topping. This dessert is a snap to make, can be prepared ahead of time, makes for a wonderful and exotic way to end a meal with your family or when you are entertaining.

Lebanese nights dessert by chef in disguise.jpg

The name madlouah or madloka (madlouqa) comes from the Arabic word dalak which means to pour. Taking a bite of madlouah gives you a combination of the velvety pudding with the coconut adding an interesting texture and flavor. A hint of mastic sets this pudding apart from anything you have ever tried. Next comes the richness of the heavy cream, the nuttiness of the pistachios and the perfect finish, refreshing fruit slices. All in one amazing bite 🙂

Lebanese nights the ultimate semolina pudding.jpg

I love Madlouah not only because  it is quick, easy, and can be made ahead of time if you have guests, but also because it is also versatile: you can top it with any seasonal fruit or change up the syrup. Use spice or cinnamon infused syrup or you can use fruit or chocolate syrups.

Lebanese nights dessert or madlouka a heavenly combination of semolina pudding, cream, nuts, syrup and fruit.jpg

Madlouah recipe

4 cups milk
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2/3 cup semolina (fine or medium)
2/3 teaspoon ground mastic (use less or omit it if you don’t like it)
1/2 cup table cream ( you can check out the picture in the notes section)
Simple syrup :
2 cups sugar
1 cup water
juice of 1/2 lemon (2 tablespoons)
1 teaspoon orange blossom water or rosewater (optional)
Ground nuts (traditionally pistachios)
Sliced fruits (strawberries, banana or any fruit of choice)


To make the Madlouah

Put the milk, coconut, semolina and ground mastic in a pot and stir continuously on medium low flame till the consistency thickens (10-15 minutes)
Pour into your serving dish, allow it to cool and then place it in the fridge
When the madlouah sets (It takes 4 hours minimum), spread the nestle table cream on top
Right before serving sprinkle pistachios and arrange sliced fruit
Drizzle it with syrup

To make the simple syrup

Place the sugar, water and lemon juice in a pot and bring them to a gentle boil
allow them to simmer for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and add the orange blossom water

Madlouka or lebanese nights dessert a velvety smooth semolina pudding topped with cream, pistachios, fruits and it is then drizzled with syrup.jpg



1.The cream referred to in the recipe is table cream or kishta as it is referred to here in the Arabic world. You can see a picture of it below (this is not a sponsored post, you can use any brand that you like. I just recieved so many questions about it and thought a picture would help you understand what type of cream is used here)



المدلوقه او ليالي لبنان

من وصفاتي المفضله في فصل الصيف. المدلوقه او ليالي لبنان من اسهل الوصفات اللي ممكن تحضروها قبل بيوم لو عندكم ضيوف او عزومه .

4 اكواب حليب

1/2 كوب جو هند

ثلثين كوب سميد

ثلثين معلقه صغيره مستكه مطحونه


علبة قشطه


نضع الحليب و جوز الهند و السميد و المستكه في طنجره على النار مع التحريك المستمر حتى يثقل القوام

نصب المدلوقه في وعاء التقديم و نتركها لتبرد ثم نضعها في الثلاجه لتبرد تماما (تحتاج حوالي 4 ساعات)

قبل التقديم نوزع القشطه بحيث تغطي الوجه تماما

نزين السطح بالفستق و الفواكه

تقدم مع القطر او الشيره
لتحضير القطر نحتاج

2 كوب سكر

1 كوب ماء

عصير نصف ليمونه

ملعقه صغيره من ماء زهر